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The Current Location: Home Page > Spot Transaction > List of Sell Orders
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  • 铝_A00铝
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 480.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥19960.00/Ton
  • 锌_0#锌
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 240.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥24320.00/Ton
  • 铅_1#铅
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 420.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥16450.00/Ton
  • 锌_1#锌
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 240.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥24250.00/Ton
  • 铅_1#铅
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 120.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥16450.00/Ton
  • 铜_1#铜
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 150.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥75870.00/Ton
  • 铝_A00铝
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 460.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥19960.00/Ton
  • 锡_1#锡
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 60.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥261500.00/Ton
  • 锌_0#锌
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 250.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥24320.00/Ton
  • 锌_1#锌
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 250.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥24250.00/Ton
  • 铅_1#铅
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 300.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥16450.00/Ton
  • 铅_1#铅
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 420.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥16450.00/Ton
  • 铅_1#铅
  • [普陀区]
  • Inventory : 120.0000Ton
  • Unit Price : ¥16450.00/Ton
Pictures Product Name Site Payment Term Delivery Term Expiration Date Contact Operation
Inventory : 300.0000 Ton
Unit Price : ¥16450.00/ Ton
上海  Full Payment   Delivery by buyer   2024-09-23  上海******有限公司
Collection Buy
Inventory : 420.0000 Ton
Unit Price : ¥16450.00/ Ton
上海  Full Payment   Delivery by buyer   2024-09-23  沈阳***********海分公司
Collection Buy
Inventory : 120.0000 Ton
Unit Price : ¥16450.00/ Ton
上海  Full Payment   Delivery by buyer   2024-09-23  上海******有限公司
Collection Buy
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